
MITRE ATT&CK® Navigator

The ATT&CK Navigator is designed to provide basic navigation and annotation of ATT&CK matrices, something that people are already doing today in tools like Excel. We’ve designed it to be simple and generic - you can use the Navigator to visualize your defensive coverage, your red/blue team planning, the frequency of detected techniques or anything else you want to do. The Navigator doesn’t care - it just allows you to manipulate the cells in the matrix (color coding, adding a comment, assigning a numerical value, etc.). We thought having a simple tool that everyone could use to visualize the matrix would help make it easy to use ATT&CK.

The principal feature of the Navigator is the ability for users to define layers - custom views of the ATT&CK knowledge base - e.g. showing just those techniques for a particular platform or highlighting techniques a specific adversary has been known to use. Layers can be created interactively within the Navigator or generated programmatically and then visualized via the Navigator.

Bug reports and feature requests can be submitted to our GitHub Issue Tracker. The source code for the ATT&CK Navigator can be retrieved from our GitHub repository.


A layer constitutes a view of the tactics and techniques matrix for a specific technology domain. In more recent versions, the Navigator can manipulate the Enterprise, Mobile, or ICS ATT&CK technology domain knowledge bases, as well as custom ATT&CK collections or STIX bundles. Within a technology domain, the Navigator allows you to filter your view of the matrix in a variety of ways, displaying the tactics and techniques that are important to you.

You can view the definition of any technique in the visible matrix by right-clicking on the technique and selecting “view technique” in the pop-up menu. A new browser tab will be opened displaying the definition of the technique. In this way the Navigator allows you to explore a given ATT&CK matrix and access the definitions of the techniques.

Beyond the filters, layers also provide a means to customize your view of the matrix. To that end, you can color, hide, comment, and assign numeric scores, links, and metadata to techniques to aid in analysis of threats and your defenses against those threats. As stated earlier, the Navigator is designed to be simple, allowing you to assign whatever meaning you want to the color-codings, scores, and comments. This way the Navigator can support whatever you want to do without requiring changes to the Navigator code itself.

Each layer created is independent of other layers. However, layers can be combined in ways to support analysis, or saved locally. Layer files are saved in easy to parse and easy to generate JSON file so that ATT&CK data can be used in other applications, analyzed beyond the capability of the ATT&CK Navigator, and generated by tools for import into the Navigator. The Layer file format is described here.

Creating New Layers

To create a new layer, open a new tab and click the “Create New Layer” dropdown. The quick access buttons will create a layer with the current version of ATT&CK. Past versions of ATT&CK that are compatible with the Navigator are accessible in the “More Options” dropdown. This interface allows you to create a new layer from one of the following options:

For performance reasons, the Navigator currently imposes a limit of ten (10) active layers at any given point in time.

Saving and Loading Layers

Layers can be saved by clicking the “save layer” button (). This will open a dialog to save a layer configuration file to your local computer. This contains the configuration for the techniques that have been customized (commented, colored, disabled, or assigned a score, links, or metadata) as well as the scoring gradient setup, filter selection, layer name, layer description, view configuration.

Saved layer configuration files can be opened in the ATT&CK Navigator to restore a layer you’ve worked on previously. To do so, open a new tab and open the “Open Existing Layer” panel. Then click “Upload from local”, and select your saved configuration file. Doing so will restore your saved layer to the ATT&CK Navigator. Layers generated from a custom collection or STIX bundle will be restored from the URL the layer was created with. This interface also has a “load from URL” input allowing you to open a layer json from a remote source.

Upgrading a Layer to the Current Version

The layer upgrade interface allows users to upgrade an ATT&CK Navigator layer created on a previous version of ATT&CK to the current version of the dataset. With this interface, users can step through each change in the dataset of techniques:

Mapping Annotations

For annotated techniques which have changed since the layer was created, you may want to update the set of annotations to account for changes to scope or content. Each technique in the interface lists its previous and current state, with links to the ATT&CK Website for both versions of the technique to enable easy review. In steps with techniques you have previously annotated, you can enable the “show annotated techniques only” filter to view only those techniques which have annotations.

You can copy annotations from the previous version of the technique to the current one, making adjustments if necessary. There are two approaches to copying annotations from the previous version:

Techniques can be marked as reviewed under their respective panels to visually indicate that they have been reviewed. The “reviewed X/Y techniques” displayed underneath the techniques list can be used to determine if you missed any techniques. The numerator reflects the number of techniques you have marked as “reviewed” and the denominator denotes the total number of techniques shown according to your configuration (for example, if you have enabled the “show annotated techniques only” filter, only the number of techniques which are annotated are counted in this total).

You can view and verify the status of the layer upgrade at the end of the workflow to ensure you have created or adjusted all annotations as desired. A status is displayed next to each section name to indicate either the number of techniques you have reviewed in the section, if you have skipped the section, or if there are no techniques to review in the section. Once you have finished upgrading the layer, you can click the “done” button to close the sidebar.

Note: You will not be able to return to the layer upgrade interface after the sidebar is closed.

Creating Layers from Other Layers

Layers can be created which inherit properties from other layers. Several fields exist which can be used to choose which layers to inherit properties from:

Tactic-spanning Techniques are evaluated individually: if a technique is annotated differently in two tactics, the output layers’ techniques will honor this difference.

Tip: Score expressions don’t need to use variables! You can use this to create a new layer with a constant score for each technique. For example, if you wanted a new layer where all techniques are scored 50, you could simply type 50 into the score expression input.

Layer Controls

Layer InformationLayer Information

The layer name and description can be edited in the layer information dropdown. The layer name can also be edited where it appears in the tab title. Additionally, the layer information panel allows the user to add metadata and assign links to the layer. Metadata can be useful for supporting other applications that use the layer format, or for attaching additional descriptive fields to the layer. Links can be useful for providing additional context from other websites that are relevant to the layer.


There are four modes of sorting. Clicking the sorting button will toggle between the modes.


The list of techniques and tactics can be filtered in the filtering menu. Filters are additive - the displayed set of techniques is the logical or of the techniques of the filters selected.

Platform Filter

The platform filter allows the user to control which techniques are included in a layer based on whether a particular technique applies to a particular technology platform. Technology platforms are tied to the specific technology domain you are visualizing. For the Enterprise technology domain, the defined platforms are:PRE, Windows, Linux, macOS, Network, AWS, GCP, Azure, Azure AD, Office 365, and SaaS. For the Mobile technology domain, the defined platforms are: Android and iOS. For the ICS technology domain, the defined platforms are Windows, Control Server, Data Historian, “ Engineering Workstation”, Field Controller/RTU/PLC/IED, Human-Machine Interface, Input/Output Server, Safety Instrumented System/Protection Relay.

Each technique in an ATT&CK matrix is tied to one or more platforms. In the Navigator, if you wanted to see only those techniques in Enterprise ATT&CK which applied to the Linux platform, you would deselect “Windows” and “macOS” under the platform filter. If later you decided to also include techniques known to apply to macOS platforms, you could select “ macOS” as well and those techniques would be added to the visible layer.

Tip: Techniques can also be hidden from your view by using the hide disabled techniques button. Couple this with the multiselect interface to hide techniques which are contained in specific threat or software groupings.

Color SetupColor Setup

Tactic Row Background

The background color of the tactic row can be set in the tactic row background section of the color setup menu. The color will only be displayed if the “show” checkbox is selected. The tactic row background will not be shown when in the mini view.

Scoring Gradient

Techniques which are assigned a score will be colored according to a gradient defined in the scoring gradient section in the color setup menu. Technique scores are mapped to a color scaled linearly between the “low value” and “high value” inputs. For example, on a red-green scale, if “low value” were set to 0 and “high value” were set to 50, a score of 25 would fall on yellow – exactly halfway between red and green. Scores below the low value are colored as if they have the low value, and scores above the high value are colored as if they have the high value.

Several preset gradients are present within the preset dropdown. If no preset matches your desired gradient, you can create your own by adding and removing colors using the interface.

Tip: If your scores are binary (0 or 1), consider setting the low value of 0 to transparent and the high of 1 to some other color to only color the techniques which have the value of 1.

Hiding Disabled TechniquesHiding Disabled Techniques

Techniques that are disabled can be hidden by toggling the “hide disabled techniques” button. Hidden techniques are still present in the data when saved and can still be annotated, but won’t be visible in the view.

Tip: This button has powerful synergy with the multiselect interface. Use the multiselect interface to select techniques which match your criteria,disable them, and then turn on hiding disabled techniques to remove entire groups of techniques from your view.

Showing or Hiding Sub-techniques

Sub-techniques in the view are nested under their parent technique and are hidden by default.

Configuring the LayoutConfiguring the Layout

The ATT&CK Navigator has controls for how the ATT&CK Matrices are displayed. Access controls to change layout via the “ Matrix Configuration” dropdown menu.

Side Layout

The side layout displays sub-techniques adjacent to their parent techniques. Techniques with sub-techniques are denoted by the presence of a right-positioned sidebar which can be clicked to show sub-techniques. Sub-techniques are differentiated from techniques by position in the tactic column.

Flat Layout

The flat layout displays subtechniques in-line with the techniques. Techniques with subtechniques are denoted by the presence of a left-positioned sidebar which can be clicked to show subtechniques. Subtechniques are differentiated from techniques by indentation.

Mini Layout

The mini layout is designed to fit more techniques on the screen simultaneously by reducing their size. To do so all text is removed and techniques are visualized as squares under the tactic. Selecting this layout disables the “show IDs” and “show Names” controls. Tactic headers are visualized as black cells above the columns. Technique and tactic names are displayed as tooltips when you hover over a technique or tactic-header cell. Techniques and their sub-techniques are grouped inside of an outlined box. The technique is the dark-outlined first cell of the group, and the rest of the cells of the group are the sub-techniques. Techniques without sub-techniques are displayed without a grouping box, and may appear inline with other sub-techniques-less techniques. Disabled techniques are denoted with an “x” symbol. Techniques with comments are denoted with an “i” symbol.

Showing IDs and Names

In the side and flat layouts, you can change what is shown inside of the technique cells. Enabling “show names” (enabled by default) will show technique and tactic names on each cell of the matrix. Enabling “show IDs” (disabled by default) will show ATT&CK IDs (e.g “T1000” for techniques, or “TA1000” for tactics) on each cell of the matrix. These controls can be toggled independently and turned off entirely to remove cell labels entirely. The mini layout forces both of these controls to be disabled.

Aggregate Scores

Aggregate scores will combine the scores of a technique and all of its sub-techniques, and can be calculated using either the average, max, min or sum function. They will display only on techniques with sub-techniques. The display of aggregate scores in the matrix view and the score calculations can be customized via the “Matrix Configuration” dropdown menu.

Showing or Hiding Aggregate Scores

Aggregate scores in the view are displayed in the tooltip when hovering over a technique, and are hidden by default. When this is enabled, the technique’s background color will be calculated using the aggregate score by default.

Counting Unscored Techniques

By default, techniques which are unscored are not included in aggregate score computations. Enabling “count unscored techniques as 0” will make unscored techniques count as if their scores were 0 when computing an aggregate score.

Choosing an Aggregate Function

There are 4 available functions to calculate the aggregate score: average, min, max, and sum.

Legend Bar

The legend helps associate meanings with colors displayed by customized techniques in the ATT&CK Navigator. To open the legend, click on the bar labeled “legend” in the bottom-right corner of the screen. Click on the same bar to close the legend. To add an item to the legend, click the “Add Item”button. To clear all items in the legend, click “Clear”.

An item’s color can be changed by either clicking in the color field and typing a hex color value, or by clicking in the field and choosing a color from the color picker. Click and type in the text field to change the item’s label. To remove an item, click on the () button on the right side. Legend items are saved to the layer file and will be loaded when a layer with saved legend items is loaded.

Technique Controls

Techniques in the layer can be annotated. The technique controls on the menubar are only enabled when one or more techniques are selected. If multiple techniques are selected, they will all be annotated simultaneously.

Disabling TechniquesDisabling Techniques

Clicking the “toggle state” button toggles selected techniques between an enabled and disabled state. In the disabled state, the technique text is greyed out and no colors (assigned manually or via score) will be displayed.

The hide disabled techniques button can be used to hide disabled techniques from the view.

Assigning Manual ColorsAssigning Manual Colors

Techniques can be assigned colors manually. Manually assigned colors supersede colors created by score. To remove a manually assigned color, select the “no color”box at the top of the interface.

Scoring TechniquesScoring Techniques

A score is a numeric value assigned to a technique. The meaning or interpretation of scores is completely up to the user user - the Navigator simply visualizes the matrix based on any scores you have assigned. Some possible uses of scores include:

By default, techniques are “unscored” meaning that no score has been assigned to the technique. Note that “unscored” and a score of zero are not the same, specifically with respect to automatically assigned colors. Scores show up in technique tooltips if a score has been assigned. To change a technique with a numeric score to unscored, select the technique and delete the score value in the score control. The technique will revert to unscored.

Techniques are automatically assigned a color according to its score. This color is determined according to the scoring gradient setup interface. Colors assigned manually supersede the score-generated color. It is a good idea to assign techniques scores inside of a predetermined range, such as 0-1 or 0-100. Set the “high value” and “low value” inputs in the scoring gradient setup interface to this range to make sure that the color for the score is properly mapped to the gradient. Techniques that are unscored are not assigned a color based on the gradient - they are displayed with an uncolored background in the matrix.

Adding Comments to TechniquesAdding Comments to Techniques

A text comment can be added to techniques. This comment will show up in the technique tooltip if a comment has been added. Techniques with a comment will be given a yellow underline.

Note: A yellow underline is also shown if metadata has been added to the technique or if the technique has attached Notes in the source data. Notes cannot be edited in the Navigator and are displayed in the tooltip.

Links can be assigned to techniques by specifying a label and a URL for each link. URLs must be prefixed with a protocol identifier (e.g. ‘https://’). Multiple links can be added by clicking “add links” in the interface. These are displayed in the context menu (accessed by right clicking on a technique) and will open a new browser tab when clicked. To visually separate the links in the context menu, a divider can be added in the interface which will display a horizontal line in the context menu where the divider occurs in the list of assigned links. Techniques with assigned links will be given a blue underline.

Note: Links can only be added, updated, or removed if the list of links of all the currently selected techniques are identical, including dividers.

Adding Metadata to TechniquesAdding Metadata to Techniques

Technique metadata can be added by specifying metadata names and values and are displayed in the technique tooltip. Metadata is useful for adding supplemental descriptive fields and information to techniques. To visually separate metadata fields, a divider can be added in the interface, which will display a horizontal line in the tooltip where the divider occurs in the list of metadata. Techniques with metadata will be given a yellow underline.

Note: Metadata can only be added, updated, or removed if the list of metadata of all the currently selected techniques are identical, including dividers.

Clearing Annotations on TechniquesClearing Annotations on Techniques

Clicking the “clear annotations on selected” button removes comments, links, metadata, colors, scores, and enabled/disabled state from all selected techniques.

Selecting Techniques

In order to be annotated, techniques must first be selected. There are multiple ways to select techniques.

Selecting with the Mouse

Techniques can be selected using the mouse. Left click a technique to select it. Pressing control (windows) command ( mac) or shift (both) while left-clicking a technique will add it to or remove it from the selection. Right clicking a technique will bring up a context menu with more options:

Tip: You can use “select unannotated” followed by disabling those techniques, and then hiding disabled techniques,to create a layer where only annotated techniques are visible.

Selection BehaviorSelection Behavior

The selection behavior controls affect how sub-techniques are selected with regards to tactics and sub-techniques.

Search & Multiselect InterfaceSearch & Multiselect Interface

The search & multiselect interface provides the means to select or deselect techniques in the matrix that match a text query or that are mapped to groups, software, or mitigations. The text input can be used to filter the lists of techniques, groups, software, and mitigations according to their data. You can select what fields of the objects are searched under “search settings:” name, ATT&CK ID, description, and (for techniques) data sources can all be searched.

The lists of objects below the search can be used to select data in the matrix.

The interface provides buttons to select and deselect each object. These buttons modify the currently selected techniques rather than replacing then, allowing for the selection of the multiple techniques or the techniques of multiple threat groups, software, or mitigations by selecting them in sequence. The ‘view’ links for each entry link to additional information about the object in question.

Buttons labelled ‘select all’ and ‘deselect all’ are provided to quickly select/deselect all techniques in the results area. You can use this in conjunction with the search input to select all results which match the given query.

Customizing the Navigator

The ATT&CK Navigator can be customized by modifying the fragment (e.g of the URL. A panel on the new tab page exists to build a properly formatted ATT&CK Navigator URL such that, when opened, it will create an ATT&CK Navigator instance with the desired customizations. This feature may be useful for sharing or embedding the ATT&CK Navigator.

Default Layers

Click the “add a layer link” button, then enter a default layer URL pointing to a layer hosted on the web. This will cause the customized ATT&CK Navigator to initialize with this layer open by default. This is especially useful for embedding or sharing specific layers.

You can click the “add another layer link” button to specify additional default layers, or click the “x” button next to a layer link you’ve already added to remove it.

The following is an example ATT&CK Navigator URL with the default layer specified to be the *Bear APTs layer from our github repo:

Users will not be prompted to upgrade default layers to the current version of ATT&CK if they are outdated.

Disabling Features

Individual ATT&CK Navigator features can be disabled with the checkboxes. Removing a feature only removes the interface elements of the feature – opened layers utilizing those features will still have them present. For example, even if comments are disabled layers with comments present will still display them visually and in tooltips.

If you are hosting your own navigator instance, you can also disable features by editing the configuration file assets/config.json.

The following is an example ATT&CK Navigator URL with the ability to download the layer and add comments disabled:

Rendering Layers as SVGRendering Layers as SVG

Clicking the “render layer to SVG” button will open a pop-up window allowing the current layer to be rendered to an SVG image. Clicking the download svg button () will download the image, as displayed, in SVG format.

Note: this feature has minor compatibility warnings with the Internet Explorer browser. For best results, please use Firefox, Chrome or Edge.

The Microsoft Edge browser has a bug where the downloaded SVG will have the .txt extension. Renaming the extension to .svg will restore it as a valid svg file.

Measurement Units

Clicking the “toggle measurement unit” button will toggle between measuring in inches (in), centimeters (cm), and pixels (px). This unit applies to controls for image size and legend position.

Configuring Image SizeConfiguring Image Size

The image size controls allow you to specify the width and height of the image, as well as the height of the header if one is present. The measurements are in units specified by the measurement units control.

The header height contributes to the total image height: if you have specified the image height to be 8.5 inches and the header height to be 1 inch, the technique table will be 7.5 inches and the header 1 inch for a total height of 8.5 inches. If the header is disabled this control will not be editable.

Configuring TextConfiguring Text

The text configuration dropdown allows for the configuration of the font (serif, sans-serif, and monospace) of the exported render.

Unlike in previous versions of the Navigator, in more recent versions of the ATT&CK Navigator text size is automatically calculated to optimize readability.

Customizing the LegendCustomizing the Legend

This menu can only be opened if a legend is present on the layer or if techniques have been assigned scores. The checkbox allows you to undock the legend from the SVG header. Once undocked, the X and Y position controls can be used to position the legend in the image. The width and height inputs control the size of the legend when it is undocked. The measurements are in units specified by the measurement units control.

Display SettingsDisplay Settings

The header itself, or specific parts of the header, can be hidden using the controls in this dropdown. The color of table cell borders can also be edited.

Exporting Layers to MS ExcelExporting Layers to MS Excel

Layers can be exported to MS excel (.xlsx) format. Clicking on the “export to excel” button in the toolbar will download an .xlsx file which contains the current layer. This layer contains the annotations from the view – color (via score or manually assigned) and disabled states. The exporter also honors tactic header background, sorting, filtering and hidden techniques.


Copyright 2020 The MITRE Corporation

Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited. Case Number 18-0128.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “ AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

This project makes use of ATT&CK®

ATT&CK® Terms of Use