
ATT&CK Navigator Layers

A layer constitutes a set of annotations on the ATT&CK matrix for a specific technology domain. Layers can also store a default configuration of the view such as sorting, visible platforms, and more. The ATT&CK Navigator includes functionalities for exporting annotations into layer files, as well as the ability to import layer files for viewing.

See the layer format specification for more information about Layer files.

Sample Layers

This repository includes several layers demonstrating example use cases of layers and the ATT&CK Navigator. The scripts used to generate these layer files can be found on our attack-scripts repository here to serve as an example on how to access and work with the the source data on our MITRE/CTI repo.

Lastly, we’ve included a tutorial on the programmatic generation of layers from CSV.

Feel free to come up with your own ideas for layer file generation, and contribute them to the community by making a pull request to the ATT&CK Navigator!

Layers showing updates to the ATT&CK knowledge base

Updates to the ATT&CK knowledge base are typically accompanied by layer files showing changes to techniques. Layers for relevant updates can be found in the data/update_layers folder. The script used to generate these update layers can be found in our attack-scripts repository.

Updating outdated layers

The sub-techniques update of ATT&CK caused many techniques to be replaced by sub-techniques. Since the replacing sub-techniques have different IDs, many layers created before the sub-technques release will still be using IDs for the replaced techniques and therefore won’t work properly in the new version even if the annotation format is correct. is a conversion script which both updates layers to the most recent format and also updates technique IDs that of their replacers where possible. There are however a few cases which won’t be caught:

  1. Cases where techniques which have been replaced by multiple sub-techniques are ignored entirely due to limitations in the remapping data.
  2. Cases where the tactic field was present but the replacing technique is not in that tactic. Run python3 -h for usage instructions.